The Kuraoka Family Weekly Journal - archived

The Kuraoka family, May 2020
Us, May 10, 2020: Roy, John, Leo, Shadow, Ondine

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The weather has been mild for July, which has been nice. But, this temperate break is coming to an end, because the forecast calls for 100 degrees by this weekend, which means it'll probably hit 102 out where we are. We don't have air conditioning, so thank goodness for fans! In the meantime, we are soaking in the relative coolth while we can.

We're still doing charades before dinner (last night's prompt was "cereal with only one gram of sugar in it"). And, during dinner we've gotten into "Worth It" segments on Amazon Prime, hosted by two of the Buzzfeed guys. In it, they try a food at three different price points from cheap to insanely expensive, to determine which is the most worth it for the price. Our own tastes are solidly plebian; we generally are unconvinced that the super-pricey dish is worth its high price. And, we're well into season two of "Reaper," a TV series that we've watched a few times before but that remains highly entertaining and intelligent. It's definitely a cult series, though, most people have never heard of it. Sadly, it was canceled after season two, so there was never any resolution.

We hear the Cooper's hawks less now; we think they are widening their range and perhaps one or two have taken up new home bases.

The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Tracker shows that COVID-19 has been confirmed in over 16,607,200 people worldwide, and has claimed over 657,600 lives. That's over 1,832,400 more cases and over 46,000 more deaths since last Tuesday. The U.S. now has over 4,342,500 confirmed cases and over 149,000 deaths, up over 483,900 cases and another 7,900 deaths since last Tuesday. In San Diego, our local toll rose to 27,507 cases with 533 deaths.

The good news is that a vaccine out of Oxford seems promising, joining others. And full-scale trials of a couple vaccines are underway, including one right here in San Diego. Whether a vaccine will result in long-term immunity as the virus evolves, however, is an open question.

Leo got a new laptop, thanks to Roy, who took him laptop shopping all the way up into Orange County to find an open box model that was good. It's some sort of high-end 17" Dell G7 machine that runs his music software without any delay. It also runs those streaming multi-player videogames. Anyways, he's been busy setting that up and playing around with it. He's also taking a music production course online.

Roy has been our social butterfly, going out several times a week with his friends or Danielle. He's been building a huge Lego set too, a piratical shipwreck on an island.

Ondine continued clearing out, focusing on her office area and the bedroom. She also scraped out all the old caulk from the base of our shower enclosure so John could recaulk it. She'll be starting an online writing course. And, she's been submitting her novella around to literary agents.

NEWS FLASH! Just this morning an agent asked Ondine to send the full manuscript! Wow!

John has been busy with his Anthropology classes. They've been intense, but they'll soon be over, amazingly - his final projects are due at the end of this week and finals are next week! Then he'll have a week off school, during which he wants to review the Forensic Archaeology course he took and take the test so he can get his certificate. Then the fall semester starts!

He received his academic transcript from Cal State Fullerton, which means City College must have their copy by now. His next step is to have a virtual meeting with a counselor so he can be officially registered in the Anthropology department's certificate program in Archaeology.

Neighborhood gas prices are almost irrelevant because we're just not needed to fill up any more! But they're static at about $3.29 per gallon.

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