The Kuraoka Family Weekly Journal - archived

The Kuraoka family, January 2020
Us, January 19, 2020: John, Leo, Shadow, Roy, Ondine

Friday, March 6, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is all the news, and it's now impossible to find dust masks, hand sanitizer, or even zinc lozenges and echinacea in the stores as speculators are buying them up by the case and hoarding them. Never mind that plain old soap and water is more effective than hand sanitizer, and consumer-grade face masks are useless except to limit the spread of sneeze and cough droplets from a sick person.

We've been through all this before, with swine flu, bird flu, and other influenza variants, but this one, probably because more people are getting their news through social media, seems to be causing much more widespread and extreme behaviors.

Ondine's workplace is full-scale prepping for infection control. Patrick Henry high school sent out an email with their preparations. Vacations and airline flights are being canceled, cruise ships are being quarantined, hotels have rising vacancies, and even some schools have been closed.

Meanwhile, the race for the Democratic presidential nomination has narrowed to Sanders and Biden, with Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Warren bowing out of the race. Buttigieg and Klobuchar threw their support behind Biden, who is surging in the delegate count after this week's Super Tuesday. Tulsi Gabbard also continues her run.

Leo is continuing to play the senior knockout, which has had the effect of getting him together with friends much more often over the past couple weeks. He finally finished his FAFSA for the coming year. This week he went to the orthodontist to start the process with Invisalign. We went with Braces San Diego on Jackson Drive instead of Miroue. Aaand he seems to be coming down with a cold again. Sigh.

Roy continues to enjoy college at UCCS. Next year he'll be a junior, so he won't be able to live in the dorms any more or get the comprehensive meal plan. He studied his upcoming housing options, and is going to apply for on-campus shared housing, since that avoids needing a car, with all of its expense and hassle.

Ondine attended a Cabi party last weekend; she often buys one or two tops for work there. And, this weekend, she's walking with Lucy and having lunch with Virginia!

John had a very social week. He met his old friend Dave for lunch at Filippi's; it was the first time they'd gotten together in five or six years. The next day he went to the literary book club, where they discussed short stories by O. Henry and Guy de Maupassant. Later in the week he went to lunch with Jose at Tea N More. So, a lot of lunching out!

And, this weekend, Ondine's cousin David is in town, so sometime in there we'll be getting together with him.

We're seeing a play at Lamplighters: The Hollow, an Agatha Christie mystery.

Neighborhood gas prices dropped to around $3.59 per gallon.

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